Saturday, November 14, 2009

How do i stop my marigolds from being eaten?

I bought some marigold plant from bootsale last week planted them in my garden to go out 2 days later to find just the stems no leaves or flowers something had stripped them any ideas anyone?

How do i stop my marigolds from being eaten?
You made the day of all the snails/slugs in the area, they love marigolds and will eat all the leaves and flowers down to the surface of the soil.

Sprinkle crushed egg shells around the soil at the base of your marigolds snails cannot cross the broken shells it would be like you walking on razor blades.

Alternately, plant them in pots that have a copper band around the pot snails get an electric shock if they touch the copper with their slime.

Hanging baskets are NOT a good idea as the snails will climb walls, shimmy down the chains and eat your marigolds.

I hope this is helpful.
Reply:Use bio slug pellets that will stop the slimey things. I used to have that problem but not any more lol.
Reply:Those are those mean slugs, I recently found five on one plant. It had no chance. I snip them through with the garden scissors. They actually at up their dead slugs. We have a cute toad in the garden that is supposed to like eating slugs, but he seems to have lost his appetite. Slugs are a real pest this year because it is so warm and so wet. Ideal conditions for them all. Next year I am going to put nematodes in my garden to get rid of the slugs.

Here´s a link to various methods of slug control:
Reply:sounds like you have bunnies, which love marigolds and dandilions.

try putting up a small fence around the edge of your garden, or ditch the idea and place something non-bunny appetizing. like a catus based plant, roses, or maybe a dwarf bush of somesort
Reply:Garlic does the trick ! Crushed and thrown round the plants
Reply:It's all down to slugs mainly but snails like a nibble as well the only thing to do is eradicate them from your garden cos they have radar as far as marigolds are concerned
Reply:Slugs love marigolds. Slug pellets or organic methods needed. Try spreading coarse grit or sharp sand around them.
Reply:Last year when I put marigolds out, they disappeared that very night, so I was determined to do something this year. I don't like killing the slugs because I feed birds and don't want birds poisoned. So, what I have done this year and it seems to work, is to put out cat or dog food to encourage the hedgehogs to come around and let them dispose of the slugs. All I can say is I still have marigolds this year, though my neighbours tend to think its all the other cats and stray dogs that are eating the food!
Reply:Slugs and snails love eating marigolds, I learnt this after they ate all my plants, im afraid its time for the slug pellets. Good luck
Reply:either use lemond ade bottle with the bottom cut and breath through the top hole or slug pellets or repelant sparays or plate of beer for slugs

grow indoors in small pot till flower bugs only eat the baby and young marigolds
Reply:Try Moth Balls


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