Thursday, May 20, 2010

How do you keep snails off the marigolds?

Use repellent mulches: Geranium leaves, Horseradish roots(ground up), Mints, Tansy, Lemon Balm, dried Mullein (Verbacsum) leaves,Wormwood, prostrate Rosemary, Basil, Rue, Acacia bark, and Oak leaves are disliked by snails. Wormwood is also effective as a spray.

Oat Bran: Scatter oat bran on the soil to kill slugs and snails.

Coffee poured directly on slugs kills them.

Spread coffee grounds around base of bush.

Talcum Powder or Flour: When they get coated with the flour, they suffocate %26amp; drop off.

Watering the soil with liquid seaweed extract has just enough of an alkaline effect that slugs hate, but not enough to significantly change soil pH.

Use barriers with scratchy material: Calcified seaweed meal contains tiny shells which will cut and desiccate slugs. Pine needles, hydrated lime, wood ash, sharp sand, crushed egg shells, lava rock, diatamaceous earth. You can also use cedar, oak bark chips or gravel chips which will irritate and dehydrate them.

Try copper strips - make a circle of the strip around just the plants you want to protect

Galic spray is great for getting rid of slugs, cutworms, wireworms, %26amp; whiteflies:

Blend well 1garlic bulb %26amp; 1 onion add 1Tbsp cayenne pepper %26amp; 1 quart water. Steep ingredients for 1 hr, then strain %26amp; add 1 Tbsp dish soap and your non-toxic spray is ready. Do not be used in full sun or high temperatures because that's when they can burn or stress plants.

Place boards on ground %26amp; dispose of the snails when they gather on the underside. Sink shallow containers into the ground and filled with beer or other fermenting substances such as sour milk, or even a mixture of water and bakers yeast.

Start out first with : 1 Tabsp. mild dish soap %26amp;

1 gal. water, OR Sprinkle on %26amp; around the plants a dash of Chili pepper.

How do you keep snails off the marigolds?
Talk to them. I've always found them to be quite reasonable. But that was after I shared that beer with them.
Reply:You could get a small sharp ground pebble/rock and scatter them around your flowers. If you have a feed mill anywhere near, ask them for cherry stone chicken grit (about $5 for 25 pounds)
Reply:Keep pie tins with a little beer in them, near the plants.
Reply:sprinkle salt on them!!!! it works 4 me...
Reply:I know for sure that the beer works. I would not have believed it without seeing it for myself.put some small containers randomly around in your flower garden and fill with beer. A can of beer ever few days is cheap. I also heard of sprinkling some crushed red pepper around the plants, but I have not tried this.
Reply:Easiest and most organic way to keep any and all unwanted insects off your plants and flowers is to mix a good combination of soap and water together in a spray bottle and spray onto your plants. The bugs don't like the taste of the soap and stay away. Slugs being a insect that absorbs through the skin, will find it particularly unattractive and will clear out. Don't sprinkle them with salt, you will more than likely enjoy dead plants instead of no insects. The beer trick is also one I keep seeing a lot. I dont know about you, but I enjoy looking at flowers not buried beer cans and pie tins. I hope this helps you out some, email me if you need anymore imput
Reply:Sprinkle diatomaceous earth around the stems - it scrapes up their underside and can kill them or at least send them elsewhere be sure to get this from a gardening center - not pool supply (it's not the same).

They like beer too so if you put beer in small cups (I use applesauce single serve cups) in the ground so the lip is even with the ground, they'll drown in it - works good on slugs too. Going hunting at night with a flashlight can be fun
Reply:You can spray snails and slugs with half vinegar and water in a spray bottle. The slugs will melt away. Cruel, yes I know, but this will save the plant. I used to use this on my hosta plants all the time, works great, and is not as harmful as a toxic spray.
Reply:You know what happens when you pour salt on snails. Although, salt may kill your plants.

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