Saturday, May 22, 2010

Has anyone ever eat marigolds?

Toward the end of the growing season, I often pull up most of my marigolds and feed both them and their collection of beetles to the chickens and the pigs. However, the blooms are edible not only for livestock, but for humans, too! Dried and crumbled petals can pinch-hit for oh-so-expensive saffron in casseroles, breads, and omelets . . . adding a unique, subtle flavor to these dishes. Stir-fried alone or with vegetables-the petals add zip to any meal. They're also colorful and tasty in rice, soups, or stews . . . or when sprinkled on salads. Furthermore, the flowers are nutri tious! They contain carotene, which can be converted in humans to vitamin A.

I'm always looking for good substitutes for store-bought items, so after trying the petals in cookery, I decided to experiment with them as a tea! To prepare it, I harvested plump flowers and separated the petals from the green calyxes. I put the petals into a warm teapot (2 teaspoons of flowers per cup of liquid) . . . poured just-boiled water over them . . . steeped the blooms for 5 minutes . . . and strained out the blossoms.

The brew was beautifully colored, but as it turned out-bland in flavor. So this year I'm growing quantities of peppermint, which has wonderful flavor but no color worth speaking of. Together, the marigold petals and mint leaves should make a drink that appeals to the senses of both taste and sight!

Marigold balm makes a soothing rub for tired, aching feet. Just put 5 tablespoons of petals into a bowl, covering them with 1 cup of heated (about 120 °F) sunflower oil. Let the mixture soak for about 4 hours, then strain the petals through a coarse cloth and store the oil in a jar.

Has anyone ever eat marigolds?
marigolds contain pyrethrins.. a natural pesticide.

I wouldn't advise eating them..
Reply:No, but I ate rose petals once on my way home from being out on the piss in Aberdeen one night. I think the pesticides was the best part.
Reply:No, but I remember seeing them eating marigolds in the movie Monsoon Wedding. It seemed to have some romantic connotations.
Reply:When I was young, my mother told me never to eat them because they were poisonous.... But, she also said the same thing about mushrooms from the cowfield.... Hmmmmmmm!!!
Reply:whats a marigold?

JESUS loves you.Have u recieved JESUS for the forgiveness of your sins?

John 3:16[kjv] For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

so when we believe in JESUS we have eternal life.JESUS lived a sinless life and gave up his life as a sacrifice so we can be sin free. Ask JESUS to come into your heart and forgive ur sins and cleanse ur past with the blood JESUS shed on the cross.

With a simple prayer like above u can be saved.JESUS loves u and wants u to be saved. listen to it. watch it
Reply:I have heard of eating nasturtiums, and I believe calendula and violets...


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